working hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 -17:00

License for construction

Корпорация Промстан
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Contact us right now and we will make an offer,

From which you can not refuse!

06 August 2023
Construction of the dome of a frameless hangar for TOV Nibulon
Promstan Corporation has completed the construction of a frameless hangar dome for TOV "Nibulon" 24x90x9.2m for outdoor storage for 5,000 tons.            
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17 July 2023
Works on the manufacture and installation of the obstruction pit
Company "Corporation Promstan" carried out work on the manufacture and installation of the pit, automatic unloading: elevator towers, galleries and transitions for equipment in Izmail with a total weight of more than 200 tons.    . . .
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Mon-Fri: 08:00-17:00